Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Qualia by UVERworld

Tau-tau aja nih, nggak ada angin nggak ada ujan, aku pengen banget mosting nih lirik lagu. Bukan versi aslinya sih, soalnya ntar pada nggak ngerti (aku aja nggak ngerti :p), jadi translatenya aja yaa.

Menurutku sih, nih lagu maknanya dalem bangeet. Ini dia translate dalam bahasa inggrisnya. Aku copas dari jpopasia.com :D


It's time now
See me now
At last, we were able to meet

From the beginning
We live being compared to someone

But I still smile

In this world, two people can wish each other happiness
My bad days reflect on you, your tomorrow became my everything

Out of 100 million coincidental encounters, untill the end I've been wishing for this one
Beautiful words are unnecessary, there is no need for them, let them go
You cannot find a heart in the mind, nor in the brain
But between the two of us, you can certainly feel it

You know, loneliness of the days when we couldn’t meet
Proved the perfection of the times when we were together
Those will be the special times for me

Hey, hey, I’m not denying my feelings
Hey, I want to tell you how I feel

To be next to you, I have so much to tell you , but I can’t bring myself to tell you all
Everything that I treasure and what’s important for me, I can only express in the most ordinary words
You cannot find a heart in the mind, nor in the brain

Out of 100 million coincidental encounters, this last one is the one I was wishing for
Beautiful words are unnecessary, there is no need for them, let them go
You cannot find a heart in the mind, nor in the brain
I’m sure you can feel everything, while I gently hold you

It’s time now
See me now
At last, we were able to meet

Aku sebenernya masih rada ambigu sama lagu ini. Ini tuh lagu antara 2 orang kekasih, ato antara orang tua dan anaknya? Somehow sih aku nangkepnya gitu. Tapi nggak tau juga sih, kali aja aku cuma sotoy. Hhe.

Oke deh, semoga lagu ini bisa jadi semacam inspirasi buat kalian ya. Dan kalo mau, donlot aja lagunya. Keren lhooo! *promosi*

3 komentar:

  1. gilaaaaa!!!
    aku suka banget sama nih lagu!!!
    gak tanggung-tanggung ringtone hp ku sampe sekarang masih aja dipegang nih lagu hahahaa XD
    iyaaa dalem bangeeet~
    sedalam samudra #plakk XD

  2. ih.. apa deh rin..
    tapi emang dalem bangeeet yaaa. bikin terharu *haisyaaah

  3. bangeeeet~
    oh mas takuya dkk~
    kalian kok keren banget sih kalo bikin laguuu #plakk XD


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